We Cannot Grow By Staying Still

Mindful In Madness

Meet Maya - The creator of Rantopia

Welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm Maya and Rantopia is my passion project where I dive into sustainable living, grounding oneself to nature and living in the present. These topics can be challenging to practice while managing a busy life. But don't fret I'm hear to share the tips, tricks and history behind certain practices! Rantopia is about taking action in your daily life to live more mindfully all amongst this madness of the digital world and rediscovering what truly matters.

Wanna learn more, click the about me to learn about my mission, my life and core values!

In short this blog is about me trying to balance my life and reduce day to day stress


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I would like to acknowledge that Rantopia is made and created on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ (land) of the syilx people who have resided here since time immemorial.

I recognize, honour, and respect the syilx lands upon which we live, work, and play.

Adventure and grow

It is an ultimate goal of my own to visit every country in the world and to learn about the culture and to dissect the sterotypes I have from living in the western side of the world. 


Join me on my adventure and see my progress in exploring the world

Upcoming Events and life goals

  • Get good grades in college
  • Balance life
  • Less time spent doom scrolling
  • Volunteering
  • Adventure

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